History J.L. Bray & Son
Founded in Modesto, California in 1948, J.L. Bray & Son is now in its 3rd generation as a leader in California’s construction industry.

Our Story Began With One Man’s Desire
to better serve his clients
In 1948, James Lynn Bray had a vision. He had worked for many years as a journeyman carpenter when he realized that his customers needed more than just lumber and nails. They deserved on-time performance, as well as a reliable contact for the entire construction process. It was on these ideals that he founded J.L. Bray Construction.
After returning from his service as a naval aviator in the early 1970s, Jack E. Bray joined his father. The father-son team continued the legacy that J.L. began in 1948. In 1973, J.L. Bray Construction was incorporated under its current name, J.L. Bray & Son Inc. James Lynn retired in 1974.

More Than 70 Years Later, We Continue To Follow Our Founder’s Dedication To Reliable And Trustworthy Service.
Today, J.L. Bray & Son, Inc. is managed by its 3rd generation of Brays. The ideals that J.L. established in 1948 continue to be an integral part of J.L, Bray & Son's mission statement. By combining on-time performance, knowledgeable and reliable personnel, the highest standards of quality, and exceptional value, J.L. Bray & Son continues to lead the construction industry.

We Are Uncompromising In Our Dedication
to worksite safety
As a multi-generation family business, it should not come as a surprise that worker safety is an integral part of our identity. Every project is delivered under the highest standard of safety, which all parties must adhere to and abide by.
Every member of our team is provided with ongoing safety training as part of our comprehensive safety program, and empowered to speak up about any health or safety concerns they may have.
J.L. Bray & Sons has never received a federal or state OSHA citation or disciplinary action on any of our projects. And it is our foremost goal that that will continue to be the case.